CyberZoo Biological Hazard    

Virus HPS
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) Virus BioCoded by GriYo / 29A


This 5124 bytes virus is a Windows95/98 infector that installs itself into the Windows kernel, hooks system events and then affects Portable Executable (PE) files that are accessed.

The virus has a video trigger routine. When the virus installs itself into Windows memory, it gets the system date. If it is installing on Saturday, it then will affect any not compressed BMP files - the virus flips contents of BMP image and they will be displayed from right to left. The virus marks flipped images with DEADBABEh stamp and does not flip them twice back to original state.

CNN titled: "A virus can infect Windows98 before the official launching from this product to the market ".